

世博軸 - 排隊入園。還好,人沒很多嘛... ↓

人沒很多...個屁。是因為前排剛往前進、後排還未放行 ↓

初來乍到,精神好,還笑得出來 ↓

非洲聯合館 - 蓋世博護照章的女孩 ↓

傍晚的中國館 ↓

世博軸 - 夜景 ↓

世博軸 - 夜景 ↓

吉卜力工作室 - 龍貓小姑娘 ↓

最欣賞這些著綠衣的自願者,親切、笑容可掬、水平也高 ↓

杭州館 ↓



浦東 ↓

非洲聯合館 - 賣項鍊的女孩 ↓

德國館 - 黑啤酒: 世博內最好喝的飲品 ↓

有多好喝? 看下圖便知 ↓

外灘一對好姊妹 ↓

外灘 Monster Bull ↓

世博文化中心 ↓

世博特級水果 ↓

城隍廟 - 穿著旗袍的櫥窗女郎 ↓



One of the keys to process improvement is to realize that imperfect improvement is better than no improvement. Six months of imperfect improvements in a row leads to some pretty awesome results.

(from http://jamesshore.com/Blog/Agile-Startup-Build-and-Deploy.html)

有效方案 + 持續改善

Root-Cause Analysis

I like these concepts:

  • If something can go wrong, it will. (Murphy's Law)
  • People are, well, people. Everybody makes mistakes.
  • Everybody is doing the best job they can given their abilities and knowledge.
  • When mistakes occur, blame your process, not people.
and the approach:

  • Ask "why" five times
(from The Art of Agile Development: Root-Cause Analysis)